Wonka! It is me!

Wonka! It is me!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

This is Me! How About u? Wonka's BIODATA

Vital Statistics...

Me:Marlina Ismail
Nicknames: Elin , Along, Wonka
Birthday: 10th Ju;y 1983
Place Of Birth: General Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: Secretary
Residence: Kuala Lumpur
Screen Name: mynicknameiswonka


Hair Colour: My hair is short, previously I was like a boy.
Hair Length: Shoulder length... I've had it really long for the past few years so decided to go for something shorter, and now I'm keeping back my hair long
Eye Colour: I have Brown eyes.
Best Feature: I like my eyes, my teeth, my lips..I mean everything except my hips! Hips dunnot lie tho!  whether they are my best feature or not, I don't think that's for me to judge.
Piercings: I only have my ears pierced.  I used to have them done in a few different places when I was going through that wannabe rock chick at 16, but took them out when I came to my senses. I have a pierce on my tounge, and i make it twice. I found it is sexy until I have to make it disappear.
Righty Or Lefty: I'm right handed.

My 'Firsts'...

First Best Friend: I have around 5 to 6 to 7 best friends, and most of all is guy.
First Award: Debate Contest.
First Sport You Joined: Dash pairing

First Real Holiday: WI guess Genting Highland or Port Dickson
First Concert: Mamma Mia
First Love: I don't think I properly knew what love is.


Movie:I noticed that I was more interested in comedy films, action and love. Like X Men, Pretty Women, Transformer, Catch Me If you Can, a movie from Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton.
TV Show: Running Man, Ellen The Generous.
Colour: Black, Purple, Red
Song: R&B, Hip Hop, Jazz, Dangdut or some music that I able to bang my head.
Sweets: Yes, I am someone that love sweet, and I have to stop it!
Restaurant: Anything that my tongue able to feel
Store: Selfridges or if online stores count then Yours Clothing (plus size fashion at affordable prices)
School:I miss those moment
Book: P.S. I Love You & RM10,000
Magazine: I love gossip and knowledge magazine
Shoes: Something that I'm comfortable with and affordable.


Feeling:I am always happy, want try something new, excited for tonite (and it is everyday), cant wait for this coming Saturday.
Single or Taken: Scandal, still waiting my my Mr. Right
Eating: God! I am very2 passionate about food. Help me!!! Typing: This blog post, duh..
Online: Oh yes, clearly.
Listening to: John Legend's album
Thinking about: Thinking about next meeting with my client for another 10 minutes.
Wanting: I really want to be snuggly and warm (back in bed!) and to get some motivation back about my life.
Watching: Nothing other than this screen.


Want Children?: Yes, 5. 3 boys and 2 daughters.
Want to be married: Of course, we want the fairytale.
Careers in Mind: I want to be a good housewife and a mother to my kids.
Where do you want to live: Somewhere nearby the beach.

Have You Ever...?

Kissed a Stranger: ermmm...No!
Had Alcohol: Yes, more than my fair share I'd say, especially when I was early 20.
Smoked: Ermmmm Yes....
Ran Away from home:Yes, til now..hahahhahaha!
Broken a bone: Never.

Broken someones heart: A lot I guess...
Broken up with someone: Yes and I'm not sad about it. It is TAKDIR..
Cried when someone died: Yes. 
Cried at school: Yes, many a time.

Do You Believe In...?

God:Of course I do..Allahhu Akbar!
Miracles: I believe that good things can happen when you least expect them to so I guess so, yeah.
Love at First Sight: I knew I loved him the moment I met him.  Id felt 'lust at first sight' before but this was completely different.  So yes, I am a believer although I think a lot of people confuse love with lust.
Ghosts: Yes i completely believe in ghosts, the afterlife and communicating with the dead.
Aliens: Nah.  Hurts my head to think of the universe and life beyond.  Although it would be cool to have life on other planets.
Soul Mates: Yes but i think a soul mate doesn't necessarily have to be a lover, it can be a friend too.
Heaven: I believe you go somewhere when you die..
Hell:I believe.
Kissing on the first date: Ermmm...depend...but I dun think so!
Yourself: Strongly write that I do believe myself!
Half Full or Half Empty: It sounds silly but I am kind of in the middle.  Like i usually air on the half empty side but then I tell my self positive things (half full) to try to make myself feel better.  Its all a con!  Haha, id say more half empty though.

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